My Mission

Empowering women to pursue their health and life goals from a place of freedom in Christ

Which one describes your greatest desire?

Let’s find the best solution for you.

Well & Free Program

For the women who wants to get well & lose weight without losing her freedom.

Freedom comes when you connect your health to your faith. Learn what God says about you, your body, food, and your health so you can pursue your goals from a place of freedom in Christ.


For the women who wants help making a plan and sticking to it. 

 Get individual coaching and accountability specific to your needs. Together we discuss your goals and your hurdles and design a plan to help you reach your wellness goals.  


For the women who wants encouragement & accountability. 

Exhausting from starting over and over again? Join a community of women who will help you keep going. Build a foundation of healthy rhythms that stick to them for good. 

We are your Tribe if…

You tired of riding the roller coaster of striving, shame, frustration, disappointment, & confusion when it comes to your health journey.

We’ve been there too. We’ve struggled like you do. We know what it’s like to try all the diets and feel like a failure. We know what it feels like to feel uncomfortable in your skin and chaotic around food. We understand what is feels like to just want to have victory in this area. 

We’ve been there, but we have found freedom and believe you can too. You can purse your health goals and even weight loss while staying free. 


health & faith

When you learn what God’s word says about you, your health, your body, and food everything changes.


We are transformed by renewing the way we think. You don’t need another diet plan. You need a renewed mind. 

Healthy rhythms

Practicing healthy rhythms daily over and over again is the key to lasting change. It is not about perfection. It’s about consistency. 


Do you long to have victory once a for all? Accountability is critical. Doing this health thing with others is what brings lasting change. 

Client Testimonials

Dont’t take our word for it – here’s what our clients say:

“I didn’t even understand that I wasn’t FREE before. This program has helped me become free physically- but most of all, emotionally and mentally. It challenged my theology and forced me to face that my brokenness is NO LONGER my identity. I am fully redeemed. My sin does not define me- His love does.”

Program Graduate

I loved Renee’s teaching style in the Well & Free Program. I’ve tried to connect my health to my faith in the past through books and Bible studies, but it never really clicked. This program brought so much clarity and left me with practical action steps. I appreciate that Renee is a coach who is still on here journey too. I felt seen.

Program Graduate

I LOVE this tribe. I love our daily check-ins and always feel encouraged to keep fighting and stewarding my body well! SInce joining I’ve lost 30lbs, ran a 5k, and have consistently read my Bible every day. This program and community has brought me so much freedom. I am so glad I took a step of faith to try this.

Tribe Member